Monday, August 15, 2011

well,nice to tell you it is fegli opm

Everyday ,the hosptial is busy ,cause many people go to there. Cause ill condition is uncertain,the cost is different. There will be the medical treatment insurance. A long time ,people hesitate go or not go to hospital ,but now ,they don't,cause they have medical treatment insurance. I think medical treatment insurance is good for me.
medical insurance has becoming more and more perfect, we feel more safey when we have medical insurance. if you have medical insurance��you can apply for reimbursement of some or all of the expenses to insurance company orcommunity agency once you get sick. you know unexpected emergencies happen like car accidents, unexpected injuries and serious dieases. the medical could save most part of the money and help people give them a hand. " For some of the old man had no children, health insurance is played a decisive role, they can be allowed to get care for free.
The health care insurance include which charged in the think division has previously covered all the individuals in most countries. In order to get better medical insurace services, we finally choose some of the commercial health insurance companies. We should pay attenion many points. The company is legally registered or not. We should find out weather the company has a strong payment capacity or not. Whether the institution has huge integrity. By the way, both the company's payment rate and complaint rate are taken into think.
95 percent people enjoyed the new medical insurance which was adopted by The United States in 2010. The new medical insurance program makes the superiority sense of Americans'lives increased. Recently king of Denmark also issued a new medical insurance reform plan. Whether there is a good medical insurance is one of the evaluation criterias which evaluate of the country's people's living standards.

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